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RULES FOR USE OF The Bermuda Triangle BBS
Firstly, let me say this: These rules are fairly standard for
most BBSs. There are no surprises, and generally most people
use common sense and will never have any problems.
1. Swearing will NOT be tolerated.
2. File leeching will not be tolerated. Be reasonable. This BBS
is provided for the benefit of all and needs uploads to make
it a nice place to visit. You get 110 free filepoints (equal
to 1.1mb of files). Once you have used them you must upload
if you wish to continue downloading.
3. Do NOT annoy other users in any way. Annoying behaviour will
result in a warning then lowering of your security level
4. Requests for higher access will not be honored, except under
special circumstances and only by prior arrangement with the
Sysop or Co-Sysop (This of course excludes donators)
5. Subscriptions do NOT constitute a contract of any sort between
yourself and the sysop or Co-Sysop. Endeavour Hills Computer
Services are not liable for any damage to your system in any
form even if advised of the possibility.
6. Access to the XXX GIF area is illegal unless you are over the
age of 18. False declarations are punishable by law. We will
not hesitate to pass on such information to the proper authorities
should such declarations be made.
7. Use of phone numbers such as 0000000, 90210, names such as Jason
Priestly, Kylie Minogue etc.. are constituted as false.
Users giving such details will be deleted immediately. This also
applies to users who log on using multiple names. The names given
and all other details will be passed on to other sysops to assist
in the banning of you on any BBS on which you try to falsify
8. Uploading of commercial, copyrighted or otherwise protected files
is absolutely prohibited. This is a criminal offense. Offenders
will be warned once and then reported to the proper authorities
if the offense is repeated.
9. From time to time users may inadvertantly upload commercial or
copyrighted material. When this happens the Sysop and/or the
co-sysop will remove such material as quickly as possible, but
this may take several days. You should allow sufficient time
for this material to be deleted before taking any action. If you
see any copyrighted material on this BBS you can help by leaving
a message to the sysop.
10. Any attempts at hacking this BBS will result in PERMANENT removal
from this BBS. I will know if such attempts are made. Names will
also be passed on to other BBS sysops and the offenders may find
themselves banned from many BBSs
11. Please do not logon with more than one name. While this does make
the user list seem quite large it is really an anti-social method
of file leeching and appropriate actions will be taken.
12. You may post messages here for items you wish to sell or buy. You
may also leave humorous mail. However, what is humorous to you may
not be humorous to others. Please be considerate.
13. Users who contribute to this BBS via consistent useful uploads and
regular message posting and a large number of calls may find that
their security level is UPGRADED. Whilst paid subscription is a
preferred upgrade method, good users will be rewarded for their
14. If you want to page the sysop and there is no response, or you
page outside paging hours please leave the sysop a message. Do
not persist with paging if you get no response.
15. This BBS does not enforce ratios. It uses 'FilePoints'. One F/P
is equal to 10kb. New users are given 110 file points to begin
with. Once they are gone you must upload files to gain more F/Ps.
16. CD-ROM files and VIP file areas are only available to donators,
and possibly the odd 'good' user that has been upgraded to the
donator level due to high number of useful uploads etc..
17. Uploads must conform to the following rules:
(i). They must be no older than Jan 1, 1994
(ii). If they are GIFs they must be VGA only
(iii). If they are GIFs they must be color
(iv). They must not be commercial files or demos of commercial
(v). They must NOT be text or CGA games, unless online BBS games
(vi). They must NOT promote criminal activity.
(vii). They must NOT be a renamed copy of a program already on
the BBS
(VIII). They must NOT be an older version of a program already on
the BBS
18. Since you will be creditted for downloads of files that you uploaded
it is in your best interests to upload files that others will down-
load. Once you have used all of your file points you must upload to
be able to download anything else.
These rules must be adhered to. They are fairly leanient. Use of
this BBS means that you agree to abide by these rules.
19. You do NOT have to donate. This is your choice.
20. Access to QWK is free.
21. Access to XXX material carries a once a lifetime cost of $5.00 to
cover subscription costs for importation of adult mail and files
from overseas. This is an up front charge.
22. Access to XXX material can only be gained by providing photographic
proof of age with a signature and a witness. NO EXCEPTIONS WILL BE
MADE, so do not ask!
Phillip Morgan,
The Bermuda Triangle BBS, 1995